Monday, May 31, 2021

Morning Balcony Musings

This beautiful morning my wife and I are sitting on our balcony chairs for the first time overlooking the park and restarting our blogs. Across the street countless people lead countless pets (or is it the other way around?) out for a walk. She smiles as she stands up to shoot each doggo & human with her camera. Quesadillas are heating in the oven.
I find myself in a new place, both physically and metaphorically, and looking back on my past, I can recognize now how much I've changed and grown. I feel a calm certainty in being able to exert concious direction over the coming spaces I want to grow in, like a butterfly once it's come out of its coccoon. It writhes out slowly, stands right next to the now empty husk, seemingly taking stock of its surroundings in its new phase, recognizing the thing that once held it. The thing that was both protection and limitation, now can be cast aside. It looks around and sees the world with its new eyes, new body, new possibilities, and then slowly start to unfurl its wings so it can reach new spaces, new capabilities, new life, new heights.

To the butterfly it appears to be a brave new world, but the world is constantly changing, constantly renewed. Sometimes a change in circumstance can make all the difference.

I am feeling so thankful to be in this new place, and I'm feeling good - feeling as alive as when I am traveling, energized, and excited about exploring and filling each moment with as much positivity, passion, art, and adventure as possible. This is an inflection point in my life. It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me...and I'm feeling good.